Monday, June 10, 2013


Its finally summer! I don't think I could be anymore excited! Its my first official week off! Well I have started summer out logging a bunch of hours on skyrim! I think i'm addicted again...... Anyways I actually deleted my skyrim blog so I could re-do it, and actually use it for vid's and stuff now. I'm thinking about maybe doing like a diary series following my character, not in a video but as if some one found her journal. I think that would suit me quite well. I also have been playing quite a but of Feed The Beast, its just like Tekkit but a little better in my opinion.  I'm excited to get on, if only my dear friend TICTAC181 would log on! Anywho, I have finally started a class over at Eastfield the local community college, i'm taking it duel credit so I can get high school and college credit, that is if I pass.  Microeconomics is not nearly as bad as I thought, so far...that is. I'm also pretty excited, we are taking the annual family vacay to a resort in Cocoa Florida. Never heard of it, but im sure that its going to be amazing. I'm also excited to finally be going to Universal Studios! I have wanted to go on that Harry Potter ride for ages, Epcot was fun but now I want to go on the Jaws and Haunted mansion rides! On another note, my biscuits are ready! So i'm going to end this right here. Time for a day filled with HOPEFULLY Feed The Beast and relaxation, enjoying the essence of summer!