Saturday, November 17, 2012


So although my last post has been all about working out, I haven't actually worked out yet.-.- I did do a bunch of cleaning and improved then den even more, got a new tv in there and the wii hooked up, looking nice so far. Although most  of my day was dedicated to my favorite game at the moment SKYRIM! This is one of my favorite pictures Google had, I played it on the ps3 most of the day, and decided earlier that i wanted it for the pc, so i bought it of course! I really enjoy all the music from the game and the covers done by Maluka! Here's another AMAZING song done by her, which is also my song of the day!
The days nearly over, and I am going to most likely be up all night, its the weekend and I have been waiting to be able to play some games for a while now. I'm very very excited for the break coming to me soon! I'm hopefully going to make my pumpkin bread tomorrow and see how that turns out! Thank God tomorrow is not Monday(:

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