Monday, December 24, 2012
Had an awesome Christmas Eve opened all our presents to each other and are going to open the other ones tomorrow. Going to cook a pretty good meal tomorrow I'm so ready. We had a nice fire tonight me and my dad just sat around talking, had the best time in a while just talking and cooking stuff in the fire. Looking forward to tomorrow and the rest of the break!
Saturday, December 22, 2012
The long week is over! I have finished all my Christmas shopping and wrapping. I'm ready to just relax and catch up on all my reading, I have about 4 books going right now and I need to finish them. I'm ready for Christmas, but when it gets here that means its also going to be over, which is always sad. I'm excited to spend time with family and eat great food in the coming few days!
On another note i'm pretty upset with myself, I recently took my PSAT the pre SAT and I got my scores. The school i'm planning on attending will accept a 1500 or more, i got a 1470 which is horrid and awful. I never studied for it which is a major down factor on my scores, I have not signed up to take the SAT or ACT yet but I just know that i'm not going to do as good as I will want. Either way all I have to do is study hard and pray for the best.
Anyways I leave you all with this!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
One more week!
Been a very rough weekend, but it seems to be taking a turn for the better. After all the gut wrenching events it got better. Spent a lot of time with the Becky, and played a lot of skyrim. I also got caught up on the vampire diaries I WANT MORE EPISODES. I'm planning on getting caught up on True Blood next, I'm debating whether or not to re watch season 1-4 or just start with season 5. Burn notice ended really well, I WANT MORE EPISODES OF THAT TOO. I'm thinking that i'm going to end the night with either some True Blood, or attempt to finish my FIRST (still) Harry Potter book. One more week of school and then we will have two whole weeks to relax(even though they will go faster than this week will). I've decided that I need to get a journal and attempt to begin to write every night in it, I don't think it should matter what the topic is, just that I write something. I think it will benefit my expression of feelings, and writing skills, and it will be pretty neat to look back at later down the rode in the future. To end this post ill put one of my many favorites by owl city, I was obsessed with them a few years ago, and then I kinda forgot about them. But I still love them all the same. This is a pretty good song by them and I would have to say its up there on my favorite song list!
Monday, December 10, 2012
Little bit of nothing.
Today was pretty good, i'm still loving this cold front, my feet would say otherwise though! I don't have much to do, so i'm ending this nice day with some skyrim and a good ole song! I love this song(:
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Full Weekend
This weekend was pretty full, Friday I went to see Red Dawn, lets just say that ill be buying it when it comes out. It was amazing. Also went to the cookie party, had a blast and got a million amazing cookies! We (me and my Becky Bear) spent the rest of the day doing nothing and hanging out, ordered in. Chinese food and a bit of skyrim. Turned in early and slept well. Today we did nothing but skyrim all day, her on the ps3 and me on the comp, we had a blast just playing and talking. Now I will end my night with some more Harry Potter (almost finished with the first book!) near the Christmas tree and some nice hot coco. The cold front has finally hit, it was in the 80's yesterday and now its about in the 50's. I'm happy its gloomy out and cold, perfect reading weather! If only it was raining! This song is a classic, we love this song and this man, Alan Jackson gets it right!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Feeling a lot better today, sore from coughing but I'm going to tough it out. We went shopping tonight at Tanger outlets, I haven't been there in years and had an amazing time. I got a few winter jackets some boots and a couple of new pajama bottoms. I'm excited about the cookie party this coming weekend! We're going to make some cookies tomorrow night to experiment, hopefully they will turn out well! Tomorrow starts a new week and I'm ready to make it a good week! Here is my one really good Christmas song!
And here is the song by one of my favorite artists out there! I love Enya!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
So I have been pretty sick lately, haven't got much done, and haven't blog'ed in a while! I have been reading my Harry potter books I still think i"m addicted to them! I LOVE all the Christmas air! We have been having all our decorations lit up as much as we can, and I have been listening to some lovely Christmas music! I'm excited that its December 1st, starting my favorite month of the year off right! I'm feeling significantly better than i did a few days ago, so that's pretty good. I will leave you with one of my favorite Christmas songs, by one of my FAVORITE BANDS Rascal Flatts are amazing!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Yesterday (which i didn't blog on -.-) and today we started putting up the Christmas decorations! Which is always fun, its a sort of tradition to put them up the day after thanksgiving which we did! We have some moving raindeer's in the front along with the usual house/carport lights. Also we have two trees in two different windows this year! A big green one (the main tree) in the main window, And a beautiful white tree in the spare room, both of which are facing out to the street! We also have the large beach Christmas palm tree in the living room (my favorite). I have a small tree in my room and some colorful lights around my headboard, and lastly a small tree on the bar. I'm liking the whole Christmas vibe! I really want to get my Christmas shopping done early this year(which most likely wont happen). I finally started my Harry Potter book and I think I'm addicted! I cant wait to see whats going to happen next! I'm excited to read a bit more today and play some more skyrim and even maybe some more Global Agenda, which i've taken a liking to.
This song is freaking amazing! I have loved it for so long!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
I had a wonderful day, and i'm thankful for too many things to count! We ate well, a nice traditional meal, with some amazing pie! It was a good day full of laziness, and A LOT of food! I probably gained twenty pounds-.-. Here is my lovely song of the day which is amazing and so is the man who sings it(: I love Chesney!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Today was a pretty good day, spent the day with my lovely cousin.(: Had some fun painting some stuff and just laying around chatting. We had to make a quick run to the store for some last minute things, picked up the turkey, and baked a couple of pies! We made a cherry pie and two pumpkin pies, which are looking wonderful, ill post a pick of the cherry pie, but the pumpkin pies i didn't get a pic of yet!
I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving tomorrow, and am also looking forward to maybe spending another day with my Becky bear on Friday! I'm not very tired so i'm going to stay up for a while and just take advantage of my much needed break!(:
I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving tomorrow, and am also looking forward to maybe spending another day with my Becky bear on Friday! I'm not very tired so i'm going to stay up for a while and just take advantage of my much needed break!(:
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Today seemed to be pretty busy, stayed after for DI and went dumpster diving like hobos. Went to the store and picked up some things for the cooking on Thursday. Now i'm spending the night with my lovely Becky Bear, and spending the day with her tomorrow! I have no clue whats in store but it is always great times! I do know i will be playing some skyrim tonight/ tomorrow! I'm very happy there is no more school this week!
And now I leave you with this! Amazing and I think its better than Katy Perry herself!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Pumpkin Bread!
So I finally got to do pumpkin bread! It turned out great!
Kinda a bad pic but its what i used |
The batter ready to be poured! |
Ready to go in the oven! |
Final product, was very good! Love it! I would get it again and I would also recommend it! |
My day was pretty good, started well and ended alright. I don't have much homework yet, but I cant jinx it! I'm looking forward to visiting the family on Wednesday since i'm off, and i'm looking forward to cooking on Thursday/Wednesday night!
Here is the requested pic of my skyrim character, shes a Wood elf archer named Meadow (I couldn't think of anything) shes wearing elven light armor. It may not be very good and ill post more when i have more time! And Mobby my kitty follower! Lydia's back there but shes not in it! (click it)
I'm thinking about playing some TF2 (Team Fortress 2) and MAYBE taking a nice hot bath and starting my first Harry Potter book since I didn't get to it last night! And last but not least, the song of the day! I love this song, and hope plenty of others do too! Shes so pretty and has an amazing voice! I like the guys who had mullets too!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Bye Bye Weekend!
Today wasn't much of anything, didn't get anything done, and played a lot of video games. Such as my newly purchased skyrim for the pc and Team Fortress 2 which seems to be pretty fun so far.

I really laughed at this when i saw it, it was hilarious to run up on (its and ax splitting bread in half if you cant see)

Here is my new lovely desktop background,
courtesy of skyrim herself (taken by yours truly)

I really laughed at this when i saw it, it was hilarious to run up on (its and ax splitting bread in half if you cant see)
I didn't get to make my pumpkin bread, and I didn't have any homework because I finished it all the other night. Kinda a boring day to say the least. I did find a new song for my song of the day though! I LOVE this song and this video is amazing also!
I'm hoping that tomorrow i have more time to hopefully write a little bit, i haven't got very far but its progressing. I'm thinking that I am going to go do is take a nice hot bath, add some tea, and start the Harry Potter books again, i started the first one and bought all the rest but i cant seem to find the time to get through them! I have always loved Harry potter and was thinking that a much needed movie marathon is in order, but i want to at least get into the first book before hand! I'm saying good bye to the weekend and hello to Thanksgiving break in just two days!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
So although my last post has been all about working out, I haven't actually worked out yet.-.- I did do a bunch of cleaning and improved then den even more, got a new tv in there and the wii hooked up, looking nice so far. Although most of my day was dedicated to my favorite game at the moment SKYRIM! This is one of my favorite pictures Google had, I played it on the ps3 most of the day, and decided earlier that i wanted it for the pc, so i bought it of course! I really enjoy all the music from the game and the covers done by Maluka! Here's another AMAZING song done by her, which is also my song of the day!
The days nearly over, and I am going to most likely be up all night, its the weekend and I have been waiting to be able to play some games for a while now. I'm very very excited for the break coming to me soon! I'm hopefully going to make my pumpkin bread tomorrow and see how that turns out! Thank God tomorrow is not Monday(:
Friday, November 16, 2012
So I kinda of had an epiphany this morning! I was looking in the mirror and I was all like "OMG, Misti your letting yourself go man". Therefore tonight I will be setting up the wii in then newly cleaned den and working my butt off, I got my yoga mat and my workout smash book prepped! My yoga pants are washed and my cami is ready! And I already planned to have a salad for dinner, and had an apple for breakfast! I'm ready to change my life for the better, I have 5 months before summer and I think I can get my beach body in time! I really am going to start begging for a treadmill! And I have also got a new mindset for school, why wait for New Years to make resolutions? When you can start now!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
College College College!
I feel a little guilty, i didn't blog the other night. I wasn't in a very good mood, and to be quite frank i'm still a little peeved. Just a couple issues within these walls that i just need to pray about and hope it to get better, even though I want to just say "i'm done" and walk away. The feelings of wanting to just up and leave are coming back again, I was hoping i could continue to allude them, I planning on continuing to ignore them. Anyways, on to today, we went to a assembly during second period! I kind of had a mental panic attack, thinking about how college is creeping up on me. I still have worries that i will not get into the college of my choice due to me not trying as hard as I can. I also have to figure out when I can take the ACT and SAT, also when I can take my college duel credit courses. When they say your junior year is your most stressful year, they are soooooo not lying. I'm extremely happy that tomorrow is FRIDAY, I have a much needed weekend coming at me, and a MUCH needed break next week after Tuesday. Although, with breaks from school comes projects and multiple chapter readings, which just makes the stress OHHH so much better! But you know what helps? Blasting music through the house, and just sitting there blogging about my feelings and SINGING (at the top of my lungs). Oh and playing skyrim, ripping some dragons heads off helps too. I just feel like i'm angry all the time, and i'm still unsure why. I hoping its just a phase or something, and in a year from now I will look back at this blog and think "hey now i'm happy", I have a feeling that it will end up happening when I move away, alone, along the coast somewhere or on a island and do what I really want to do. I think the beach is my only medicine (oh and three days grace). Sounds crazy I know, but half the time i think i should be in a nut house anyway. Normally there's no way in heck that I would express these feelings, but i said to my self when i started this blog that its going to help me open up more, even if no one reads it. The writing is progressing slowly but surly, it will get posted some time soon, most likely over the break! I was pretty bummed when i realized that when i walked into fashion design we had a sub, i hope everything is alright with the teacher. Hopefully she will be there tomorrow when we go to her class, I got my longer fabric and am excited to make the purse soon! Ending on a good note, i'm going to start doing a song of the day!
Animal I Have Become-Three days grace! Makes me thing of how I am feeling more than anyone will ever know!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
LONG day
To start this we will start with how my night went, I slept horrid, my neck was going crazy with wretched pain and i have no clue why, I slept like I did any other night. Of course the terrible night had to be last night, the night before a major exam. On to the major exam, it was not as bad as I thought, we got through the 60 multiple choice questions in an hour (I do horrid under time limits, I panic) and it went better than expected. then lastly we had the three essays which had to be written in under two hours, I feel pretty good about the first two, although the last one was not very intellectual, I seemed to run out of time no matter how hard I was managing it. Over all I feel pretty good, I am still glad it was only the practice and that we have the rest of the year to prepare for the real thing. The rest of the day I felt as if I were a zombie, and of course I had to stay after for DI. DI is taking the place of my required science fair this year, it is a special science challenge where you have a group of 2-7 people that you have to build a structure, make a play, and do instant challenges and be all done and prepared by March. I am in a group of 6 poeple with some of my closest friends who are some of the most amazing people in the world, we all love each other to death! We have to build a structure that can support weight, be twisted extensively and rammed with a ram machine. It sounds simple but there are so many complicated rules I am afraid of being disqualified for the simplest of things! Anyways after I got home from that we ran plenty of errands. Ending the outing realizing that my car needs some kind of switch on the drivers side for the lights to come on, I'm leaving that up to the mechanic of the house, thank God for him! (buy me a new stereo/speakers also soon if your reading this daddy(: ). Anyways, when I had some free time today(which is rare!) I started brain storming for the story or series I want to attempt to write about, it sounds pretty good so far i'm excited to just experiment with my writing skills! I'm also excited to be getting out of school early tomorrow, at 12:30 or so, for some reason (which doesn't matter to me!). I'm becoming more and more obsessed with this lovely lady and her music, I wish she had more Skyrim songs, but her other songs are of equal excellence! Here's my new favorite!
I'm ending the night with some reading (my newish book that i started today "The Life of Pie" and some much needed tea, I got some new vanilla honey chamomile tea at the store tonight and am planning on trying it out!
Monday, November 12, 2012
Now I am going to end the night with some Runescape, a nice shower and some delicious chamomile tea!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Lazy Night
I did nothing today, got up early, did the cleaning i needed, and then persisted to be lazy for the remainder of the day. As I said in my previous post I am a major underground gamer, no one but my family and a few quite close friends know about my liking of video games. So today i played one of my favorite games Runescape ( The best MMORG out there in my opinion), I played it pretty much all day (which i most likely should not have) I did a bit of laundry, along with a few dishes here and there. I got out the new book I have been meaning to read for a while now "The Life of Pie" I seen that the movie is coming out soon and i looked up on my newly cleaned book shelf and seen that i have not even cracked it open! So i decided I will read it so i can go see the movie afterwards! I'm hoping that i find time to read it and hope that I like it! So recently we had family come to town (had a great time and was so glad they came) and we had to do some major cleaning! So we cleaned up the spare room that was occupied as a storage room for anything and everything! We seemed to throw so much old crap away we would have benefited from owning our garbage truck! We decided to go through the ten million books laying around, we took a trunk load up to half price and got a whopping 25 bucks for um!-.- I am truly glad they are gone though, out with the old and in with the new! I am looking forward to getting the new den redesigned and finished so i can get out of this cramped room and have a place of my own for doing whatever i want in my free time! On to the rest of the day, i am really debating on whether or not to make pumpkin bread, I recently purchased a pumpkin bread kit and am hoping to try it out soon! There is also some Christmas cookies i want to make too. Therefore reminding me of the Christmas cookie party I intend to go to with my aunt and cousin sometime soon hopefully, I plan to make our special Christmas cookies that i made last year(will post pictures and MAYBE the recipe if i'm feeling generous). I am looking forward to a bit more Runescape, and a nice bath later, and hopefully relax a bit. I seem to be under a bunch of stress lately this school year is putting a pounding on me and its not even nearly over! I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving break and Christmas break VERY VERY soon.
Lastly, i have been obsessed with this very song, and my gaming buddies will know it the second they hear it, it is defiantly one of my favorites at the moment! FUS RO DAH!
All about ME
So i figured for my first blog i should say some things about me, myself, and I. First of all, my name is Misti, I have no idea whatsoever why i'm making a blog or what is in store for it (so hold on for the ride!). I really enjoy the ocean and beach (that would explain the name), i also really enjoy reading (when i can!), i am also pretty big underground gamer (video games), i love nature also, MUSIC music makes up most of my interests! I'm in love with music, I am somewhat picky with it but I am also diverse. I like cooking, I also love this time of the year (November-December) I love the holidays and everything to do with them, including presents lights food and FAMILY(;, i don't have a very big one but that just makes them mean that much more to me! I really enjoy writing, but haven't pursued it much. I also seem to like to sing when I am alone (there's a reason i do it in private). I'm guessing if there is more to be said about me it will come out later in future posts. I'm really hoping this helps me to further explore who i am and what makes me me (i seem to be having a huge struggle with that lately). So hope starting this blog helps!
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